
I'm Harsh

A Computer Science Student

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Harsh Paradkar


I am pursuing my Bachelor's in Computer Science
I have a great amount of passion and enthusiasm about Tech.
I love to Travel and Trek

My Skills

My Achievements


Runner Up at Debate Competition

Ranked Second in a 2 vs. 1 debate competition that was organized during the college's annual fest, Techtonic.


Best volunteer Award, National Service Scheme

I was recognised as the best volunteer for the academic year of 2021-22 by the NSS unit of my college for contribution and my work. I was also given a letter of apperciation by the programme officer of NSS Unit.


Teacher of the Month, Bhumi Foundation

I started teaching with Bhumi Foundation in June, 2021 this year Under the LEM program for teaching Mathematics to underprivileged children. I as recognised by LEM Unit as the teacher of the month for the of August for my passionate teaching and Response from the children.

Get In Touch

If you liked my portfolio and have an opportunity.

Then click the button given below to contact me.
I am open to work

LinkedIn GitHub Hackerrank

© Harsh Paradkar.